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  1. Thought to affect 1%-2% of the U.S. population, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a body-image disorder characterized by a persistent and intrusive preoccupation with defects in one’s physical appearance that are, in reality, very slight or completely nonexistent. Individuals with BDD typically feel great distress over these perceived ...

  2. Tanorexia, also known as tan obsession or tan addiction, is a term used to describe a condition where individuals have an excessive and unhealthy desire for tanning. It is commonly associated with the use of tanning beds, sunbathing, or other methods of achieving a dark or bronzed skin tone. This obsession with tanning can lead to a variety of ...

  3. Anorexia nervosa, also known as just anorexia, is an eating disorder. This disorder makes you obsess about your weight and food. If you have this problem, you may have a warped body image. You may see yourself as fat even though you have a very low body weight. With anorexia, you may use unusual eating habits to cope with stress, anxiety, and ...

  4. La tanorexia es una enfermedad que se ha dado a conocer en los últimos años a través de imágenes de celebrities o famosos que presumen de un bronceado excesivo rozando la peligrosidad. Esta tendencia a la tez bronceada se ha vuelto muy popular hasta el punto de llegar a una obsesión que puede traer consigo consecuencias peligrosas en la ...

  5. Feb 20, 2018 · Diagnosis. If your doctor suspects that you have anorexia nervosa, he or she will typically do several tests and exams to help pinpoint a diagnosis, rule out medical causes for the weight loss, and check for any related complications. These exams and tests generally include: Physical exam. This may include measuring your height and weight ...

  6. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2011 May;136(20):p16. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1271834. Epub 2011 May 18.

  7. Aug 26, 2021 · Tanorexia: causes. You will wonder how a person happens to have anorexia or why some people suffer from it. The leading cause is a lack of self-esteem or that it is shallow; here are the rest of the reasons: The person suffering from this disorder has dysmorphophobia, a distorted perception of reality.

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